Our group (4B) :
- Christine (my sifu~)
- Teh Wei Loon
- Tee Kian Kat
- Chan Shum Shen (me!)
We've decided to go to Wei Loon's house to make the sandwich. We left school and walked to sifu's house first.
Me and sifu went to Wei Loon's house while Wei Loon and Kian Kat went to buy some stuffs. Sifu and I first boiled the egg.
Wei Loon and Kian Kat finally came back.
We started working on our sandwich.
Kian Kat and Wei Loon cut tomatoes and cucumbers.
Sifu smash the eggs.
I... cutting the bread crush and into a triangle-shaped. I also make one into a heart-shaped. Lol.
Kian Kat wanted to toast the bread. So, we did. After that, we put in butter, tuna, tomatoes, cucumbers and eggs onto the bread.
We arrived at school, finally.. Lol. We took out our sandwich, tomatoes and cucumber and decorated it on a plate. We also bought milk and a small cute cup. What else would go well with sandwich as a breakfast..? Milk of course. Or so they told me. I wanted a nice and cold ice lemon tea instead. (>.<") That's because.. I don't like milk! Haha.
The teachers and judges didn't annouce the winner of the competition.. yet. Other teams have done a much much much better job than us. But, making a sandwich with a bunch of friends, is much more fun and valuable than winning the competition. But.. but..!! I won't mind getting first prize.!~ (^^) Hehe.
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