Monday, August 17, 2009

Can it be?

-- "ViRtUaL better than rEaLiTy?!"

Have you ever feel that, online friends are better than real-life friends?
I've answered 'No', but. .
Maybe, just maybe, I might answered 'Yes' if you ask me now. .

(-_-") What should I do? There's a time when I feel like want to give up on real life and just escaped to MSN. . To online games. . To Facebook. .

Life is just too complicated. . It's like I'm a lvl 1 human, while the whole world seems to be a boss of lvl 9,999,999. . Seems impossible to fight it back. .

If someone can just escaped from reality and hide inside virtual world, I'm sure lots of people would have done it already. . But they couldn't, (not without losing sanity, of course). .

That's why there's so many cases of people attempting to suicide almost everyday. .
Well, everyone got to survive in the world. . And I might as well die trying to get through my life everyday. .

Who noes? Suddenly, a meteor falls down to earth, or animals suddenly create chaos and dominate the world. . Or hell breaks loose and all demons got unleashed on earth. .

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